Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hello and welcome to RSQ's blog! In light of our first installment Pam and Chuck have asked me to lay down a few guidelines beginning with an introduction; I am Tyson J Robbins and the opinions expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of Paramount Pictures or RSQ (consider this a disclaimer like the ones from DVD commentary tracks) I originally got to know the Kennedy family through Chip as we were roommates in college and I have been a direct hindrance to them for the last nine years.  Also Chuck has asked me to clear up the air a bit and to mention that Dr. Phil only airs coincidentally during his daily quilting sessions and that it is not planned that way on purpose. Well that all having been said, we can move along.

RSQ's blog is mostly to let all of you know what is new and upcoming with RSQ and also to provide a channel for our friends and customers to talk to us directly as we all enjoy our hobby of quilting.  Feel free to share with us and each other product comments and how-to pointers or whatever else comes naturally to mind. Furthermore aside from the formality we would also like to hear from you the inevitable and hysterical happenings that you experience while pursuing our shared dream of quilting perfection. In other words, lets have fun with OUR blog and consider it an extension of our shop where of course, your presence and personalities are always welcome! It'll be fun and easy, you'll see! In fact I'll get things started...

What is new with us at RSQ? Well personally as you can see I have been asked to start doing a weekly blog (I was assured that it was to be on a "probationary" basis and only until I "mess it up") and frankly it beats loading and unloading the truck/RV continuously! But seriously though I'm excited about our blog and we're gonna have a lot of fun I think (but I'm going to need your help so please post your thoughts!) Chip is continuing his love affair with his creation the pumpkin-go-round quilt design. Of course Pam created the piecing concept of the first pumpkin-go-round and the pattern was a Thimbleberries design (and is available at RSQ). In my opinion each pumpkin Chip quilts is cooler than the last and he remains dedicated to creating the perfect thread portrayal of a pumpkin patch.

Pam is likewise continuing to create her popular embroidered denim jacket designs (also of course available at RSQ) and is trying to somehow finish piecing projects at a rate that keeps both her husband and son happy and quilting (they both seem at peace and more importantly quiet when quilting so it's a winning formula she's discovered).

Chuck is preparing the group and inventory for the West Palm Beach Florida expo taking place from Nov. 7th to 9th. and also trying to live-down his daily Dr. Phil quilting sessions.

Gidget and Eli of course remain silent owners of RSQ but really never get their hands dirty with any actual work. Although they are often accused of laziness and free-loading we all know it wouldn't quite be RSQ without our little pals.

So I think that's the news for now from your quilting friends down by the Allegeheny.  I really can't stress enough how much we look forward to hearing from you all here on our Blog and in just the same way that you all help to make the shop our quilting playground we know that you'll do the same for this forum too! So until the next post...Have wonderful days/projects and celebrate the love of our shared hobby of quilting!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ty and Chip for setting up this blog site. If I had any spare time I could come here and vent, whine, speculate, or any number of things that I'm not allowed to do in real life. Some observations from the West Palm Beach trip, the motor home pulling its trailer was very capable of going through $200 in fuel each day of travel, Chip was capable of going more than a week without smoking, Pam can put 4 quilt bindings on while traveling and make an Aunt Philly rug demonstrating at a 3 day show. I also observed that although held in a beautiful affluent area, professional vendors pretty much agreed that the show was soft and not well attended. Next year the show will remain a 3 day show but shifts to Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This year’s trip was special because we brought my mom and Embert home from Florida to celebrate the holiday season with us. I would like to return to some observations made in our travels to quilt shows this past season. We observed a lot of homelessness. The ones in the south claim street corners with cardboard signs asking for handouts. We observed a lot of empty stores where retail businesses have failed. We saw a lot of empty large factories where manufacturing is no longer taking place. So two days before Thanksgiving I can truly say I am thankful that RSQ is doing as well as it is.
